Choose components

ZooKage creates a sandbox cluster with HDFS, Hive, Tez, and YARN by default. You can add any components you want, and you can remove any ones you don’t need by editing resources in kustomization.yaml.

For example, if you want to additionally test Spark SQL on Ozone, you will update resources as below.

 - base/client
 - base/common
 # - base/hbase
 - base/hdfs
 - base/hive
 # - base/mapreduce
-# - base/ozone
-# - base/spark
+- base/ozone
+- base/spark
 - base/tez
 # - base/trino
 - base/yarn
 # - base/zookeeper

Choose versions

The Docker images used in ZooKage is interchangeable. You can replace tag names in kustomization.yaml.

 - name: zookage-spark
   newName: zookage/zookage-spark
-  newTag: "3.5.1-zookage-0.2"
+  newTag: "3.4.1-zookage-0.2"

Supported versions

ZooKage provides various pre-build images.

The following list contains some of valid combinations. Image tags have -zookage-0.2 as a postfix like 3.3.1-zookage-0.2.

Hadoop HBase Hive Ozone Spark Tez Trino ZooKeeper
2.10.1 2.4.1 2.3.8 1.3.0 3.0.2, 3.1.1 0.9.2 N/A 3.6.2
3.2.2 2.4.1 3.1.2-guava-27.0-jre 1.3.0 3.4.1 0.9.2-guava-27.0-jre-jersey-1.19-servlet-api-3.1.0-without-jetty 413 3.6.2
3.3.6 2.5.3-hadoop-3.3.1 4.0.0 1.3.0 3.5.1 0.10.3 413 3.6.2

Change configurations

You will find configuration files with which you are well familiar in ./config. For example, you can tune HDFS parameters via ./config/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml.

Set up HA

You can set up HDFS and YARN with High Availability enabled. Note that this feature is NOT designed to deploy a production-ready HA cluster. This is for a developer who wants to test HA features on their local machines.

First, you have to edit patchesStrategicMerge in kustomization.yaml.

 ### High Availability ###
-# - patches/ha/hdfs.yaml
-# - patches/ha/yarn.yaml
+- patches/ha/hdfs.yaml
+- patches/ha/yarn.yaml

Then, you will modify hdfs-site.xml and yarn-site.xml. You should remove or comment out non-HA settings and enable HA settings.

-  <!-- ### For non-HA ### -->
+  <!-- ### For non-HA
-  <!-- ### For non-HA ### -->
+  For non-HA ### -->
-  <!-- ### For HA ###
+  <!-- ### For HA ### -->
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-  ### For HA ### -->
+  <!-- ### For HA ### -->